I'm not a grumbletonian, I'm English!

' why did you come to our county if you dislike it so much?'

" Well, I was trying to get away from all the complaining at home, you understand."

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Thunderation is at very least still used by some rural southerners (sample size: my grandparents). It’s a good replacement for Tarnation when you really want to up the ante.

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This is super fun. Thank you! I want to bring back smatchet and grumbletonian very much. I shared this post in my weekly roundup of links at Strong Sense of Place. I hope it sends some new subscribers your way! https://strongsenseofplace.com/endnotes/2023/04/07/easter-peeps-and-more-endnotes-07april2023/

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Oh awesome! Thank you!

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Public service like no other! 😂


PS Rantipole comes across as a wonderfully useful supplement to mammothrept from October 😉

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Hey, jabberwockying jobbernowls might prove handy as a fancy way to refer to msm talking heads! 🤸

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