I knew a woman named Thankful. Seemed odd at first but no more so than Chastity (gag) or Charity, Faith, Hope. In fact, more lyrical and pretty. Suited her. British actress named Honeysuckle -- now that is cruel.

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I didn't see the two names I remember: "Praise God Barebones" (those Bareboneses obviously had lots of Puritan kids) or "Bind-their-kings-in-chains-and-their-nobles-in-rods-rods-of-iron" (also a Barebones, I think). I always refer to the latter as "dear Bindy"

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Praise-God Barebone is the father of Jesus-Christ-Came-Into-the-World-to-Save Barebone and If-Christ-Had-Not-Died-for-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barebone!

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Sorry, missed that one--how about Bindy?

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This made me laugh repeatedly! Thank you very much.

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