Mar 11Liked by Jack Shepherd

I applaud this choice of topic. Check back to Fawlty Towers from 1979 where an irate guest threatens to “bust his ass” and Basil replies: “What is it with you Americans? It’s all about ’bottoms’ with you!” And of course OJ Simpson disparaging some footwear with: “I wouldn’t wear those ugly ass shoes”

However, I see this clearly as about posteriors, gluteous maximus, a set of muscles, rather than anal, an orifice. That has had its share of analysis, most notably an entire book, from the late linguist Jeffrey Nunberg: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/08/17/ascent-of-the-a-word-the-beauty-of-the-indispensable-vulgarity.html

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Basil Fawlty makes a good point...and why doesn't the same thing happen with "arse" (its begetter) as "ass"?

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I think you're right!

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Pondering this article deeply; it seems to get at a fundamental truth about something. I’m just not sure yet what it is.

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Random! I woke up with this word on my mind!

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